What I Ate Wednesday

Happy Humpday, homies! Did everyone have a good week?? I’m not digging this cold snap we are experiencing in Columbus. I would have been ok with El Niño’s warm breezes keeping snow away all winter.   Anywho, it’s time for What I Ate Wednesday!

What I Ate Wednesday | AreYouKitchenMe.comFirst thing’s first, half a banana to get my bum out the door to the gym at 5AM.

What I Ate Wednesday | AreYouKitchenMe.com

Another day, another green smoothie. Yes, I am aware I just complained about the cold weather while sipping on a frozen beverage. Yes, I see the irony. I just can’t break the smoothie cycle. Because I had a BUNCH of requests for my smoothie recipe here it is:

  • ½ frozen banana
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 serving vegan protein (I use Vega or Aloha)
  • 1- 1½ cups unsweetened almond milk

Optional superfood/ flavor add-ins*:

  • 1 Tbs. either, powdered peanut butter (PB2) or cacao powder
  • 1 tsp. maca powder
  • 1 tsp. spirulina

*I use all of these ingredients but I recognize that they are not accessible/ affordable for everyone. I order off of Swanson’s and always wait until there’s a sale or coupon.

What I Ate Wednesday | AreYouKitchenMe.com

Oh and coffee. Always coffee. But just one cup because more makes me shake. Eeek.

Lunch was carrots dipped in Green Goddess Hummus I made this weekend. Look delicious?? I hope so, because it’s coming to the bloggity soon- keep your eyes peeled!

What I Ate Wednesday | AreYouKitchenMe.com

I was hungry when I got home from work so I had two clems for a snack– my seasonal obsession.

What I Ate Wednesday | AreYouKitchenMe.com

Dinner was baked lemon pepper tofu with sautéed green beans and shallots.

What I Ate Wednesday | AreYouKitchenMe.com

After dinner, our hilarious neighbor invited us over for a glass of red wine and a few good belly laughs. Good company, good vibes, good day.

Have a wonderful rest of the week my friends. And don’t forget to smile just because! :)


  1. Alexa January 13, 2016

    Excited for the hummus recipe! It looks deeeelish! <3

  2. […] Woke up with a yucky sore throat so we skipped the gym and I dove right into a smoothie. My bleary brain forgot to take a picture of my smoothie, but it was exact same as this guy from a few months ago. It’s my favorite go-to smoothie, that I posted here. […]


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