You may notice things are looking a little different around here… Pretty snazzy, eh?? If you’re new around here, let me fill you in… On changes.
My blog recently received a little facelift! I recruited the help of the lovely Kay who made everything look SO gorgeous. I’m thrilled with my new, cleaned up look. I wanted to spruce up AYKM’s image as I feel like I’m at a pretty pivotal point in my life.
I know I’m not one to keep my personal life, well, personal, but I thought an update on who I am and where I’m at was in order! I’ve been at this blogging thing for over a year and a half now. Woah. It’s amazing to see how far my recipes, posts, photos, and style have come.
Oh and please, please, pleeeeease don’t judge my previous, pathetic attempts at food photography on an iPhone 4… It’s embarrassing, yes. Am I going to remove them? Are you kitchen me?! No. I’d like to think they’re a great testament to how far I’ve come.
In that same vein, there have been some changes in my lifestyle that make some of the recipes on my blog no longer relevant.
Namely, I now consider myself vegan. This means I no longer eat eggs, milk, cheese, other dairy, and try to avoid honey. There are a LOT of reasons for my choice but just know that the animals, the environment, my health, and my wallet all benefit.
Although I don’t love labels, I’d like to think we’re all mature enough to know that just because I label myself one way doesn’t mean I’m 100% perfect and judge anyone who isn’t. Nope. No way. I love you whether you can resist eating the cute little guy below or not!
Now, there is such a thing as an unhealthy vegan. In fact, Oreos are vegan. Does that mean I’m stuffing my face with the [gross, dry, chalky, gritty] cookies?? Nope. #1, because I actually hate Oreos and #2, because I believe in a more whole foods, plant-based approach. Basically I like to eat plants in their whole form- aka not processed. Simple. Easy. No frills.
Like I said, I’m not perfect, and I still had a vegan cake for my (25th! AH!) birthday. But I drink a green smoothie most mornings, eat a raw salad for lunch, and always make sure my dinner plate is loaded with a variety of colors and veggies.
While we’re talking about change, I’m currently going through quite a transition into the full-time working world. I’m so, so, so excited about my new job at United Way, but this life has been quite an adjustment. Meal prep, early bedtimes, and morning workouts have kept me sane and feeling great.
With change comes fun, exciting new things. Here’s a sneak preview of a few of the recipes I have up my sleeves for the coming weeks! I hope you’re as excited as I am for what’s to come. I’m not kitchen you– it’s going to be great!!
If you like my blog, recipes, chatter, or general rantings, it would mean SO SO SO much if you would share a link of my blog [] with your friends, family, coworkers, pets…. I mean…. I love you all!! Thank you!
The pictures featured in this post are from the farm where our CSA vegetables are grown. The Amish family’s farm was peaceful, perfect, serene, and, above all, simple. This simplicity has further inspired my philosophy of “simple foods make nutrition simple.”